Incessant rain has caused immense destruction in HimachalPradesh with Kullu district bearing the brunt of it. At least two people havedied here in rain-related accidents. Heavy and persistent rains have causedflooding in Kullu district with many roads here completely submerged underwater. News agency reported on Monday morning that National Highway 3between Manali and Kullu has been partially damaged which has slowed downtraffic movement.Several tourists were also stranded in Kullu's Bakarthach areadue to a flooded Beas river on Sunday and had to be rescued by the localadministration using ropes.
The situation elsewhere in the state is also every bit asgrim.
Six people died on Sunday following a cloudburst in theborder area of Uttarkashi and Himachal. Himachal Police and Uttarakhand StateDisaster Response Force worked together to recover all six bodies.The IndiaMeteorological Department said on Sunday evening that the state has received102.5 mm of rainfall in just 24 hours - the highest ever in a single day. Thehighest rainfall of 252 mm was recorded in Bilaspur district, which was 2,586per cent more than its normal level. Schools are shut in Shimla and many otherareas here.
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